Silly Guys
Silly Guys is a series of artworks illustrated by Gala, my 3yr old daughter. This project was 100% conceived by her. One day, a couple months before turning 3 she just drew the first one of these, showed me and told me “Look I drew a Silly Guy for you!” and ever since “Silly Guys” are the only kind of drawings that she’s wanted to make. The initial Silly Guys were just a body, legs, arms, and minimal dots for eyes and a mouth. They have slowly evolved from there to include a line for a mouth and an extra dot for a nose, sometime some hair, sometimes extra legs or arms to make an “Alien Silly Guy”, and occasionally she’s asked her big sister, mom or dad to collaborate with herby adding some extra accessories or details such as hands or feet. Fascinatingly, she has mostly stuck to her original style and it has brought her mother and I so much joy to see all the new silly guys she comes up with almost everyday. Sadly, we disposed of some of the early ones, which makes the few that remain very rare. Since Aug 8th I’ve been saving all the new ones.